Scientists have basically disproved the existance of ghost by doing research. Even though there is no scientidic proof that ghosts exist, in every culture and religion people have their oen theories related to ghosts or other spirits that remain on earth after death. In my opinion there are 2 main reasons for these theories:
FIRST of all people like to think there's an afterlife, eternal life after death of a body. Some bielieve that souls of people who went to purgatory wander about on earth.
Secondly, people like to believe that it is possible to see or maybe even interact with loved ones they have lost. Sometimes they just can't reconcile to loss of someone they loved and they believe taht this person still present in their life and takes care od them.
I think that those are both powerfull reasons to believe in ghosts and it is quite difficult for sceprics to refuse thouse beliefs. What do YOU think about ghosts? Have you ever seen ghost? ;> let me know!
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