Wednesday, January 7, 2015

geordie shore!

Have you ever watched a British reality television series broadcast on MTV, which is called "Georgie Shore"?

I unfortunately have watched. Why "unfortunately'? So.. at first I had thought that it's the most superficial reality ever, but later I started like it, really really like it! And what is the most awful I started live their life!!
Furthermore, I decided to watch it without subtitles and polish lector and I was shocked! Their accent was totally different than accent from England know as "british accent". They were really hard to understand even talking about daily things, which everyone know! 
"Goergie shore" is focus on "pulling the birds" and their relations are more twists and turns than a drunken game of twister!

If you like it as much as I like, check link H E R E and learn how to get a geordie accent

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