Sunday, March 16, 2014


As a hothead I often think about the aim of having passion. That is weird, I know but.. why people spend huge amount of money just for fun? Upkeep the horse, attend the rally, cost of workshops, collect difference things - requires a lot of dedication of time and of course money  In most of case people don't earn money from passion (that minority, who earn is the luckiest people all over the world!) So why? Why we do it?
First of all I believe that passions shape our worldview. Hobby allows us to rest from everyday life,
to get away from it all. Passion gives us the opportunity to meet new people, people like us. That's all. Everyone should have passion than our daily life would be easier and gives us more pleasure. 
If you haven't got passion, that isn't problem.  Dance, sport, guitar playing, backpacking, fishing or even playing chess- as you see, you can find it everywhere. Just try!

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